The City of Southfield is the premier business address in Michigan. With more than 27 million square feet of office space and over seven million square feet of retail and industrial space – Southfield is Michigan’s undisputed business center. In fact, Southfield boasts more office space than the central business districts of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis or Kansas City. Southfield is home to over 10,000 businesses including more than 100 “Fortune 500” companies. Why do so many companies choose Southfield? Simply put, because Southfield offers businesses advantages that other cities don’t. An impressive 98 percent of the city is accessible to high-speed fiber optics, broadband and satellite services, and several backbones traverse the community. The City’s extensive infrastructure, access to a footprint of citywide fiber optics and central location are just a few of the many reasons why businesses choose Southfield.
Resources for Businesses
Find local information to help your business make smarter, faster, better decisions.
Entrepreneur and Start-up Services
BizBOX: Helping
Your Business Succeed
Business Catalyst
Centrepolis Accelerator
Evolution Lab
The BizBOX program offers free training classes through video and on-line tutorials to help entrepreneurs jump-start their business and gain insight into becoming a successful entrepreneur. Class topics include: business plans, financial projections, accounting and management, personal credit, and financial health. Offered by Metro Community Development, BizBOX is open to new entrepreneurs and businesses open less than two years. Potential funding options are available after successful completion of the program.
Ready to Apply? Apply Here!
Find local information to help your business make smarter, faster, better decisions. Business Catalyst is an online resource that provides entrepreneurs and small businesses access to information about the local economy, customers and competition.
Find local information to help your business make smarter, faster, better decisions.
How We Do It
- Provide access to key resources for startups, established small businesses, inventors, product developers, and service providers in the City of Southfield.
- Marketing, business, & sales strategy support
- Entrepreneurship training program
- Intellectual property (i.e., patents, trademarks, copyrights)
- Product design & prototyping, testing, tool & manufacturing
- Funding opportunities
Office Location & Hours of Operation
Rochelle Freeman, Business & Economic Development Director
26000 Evergreen Road (2nd Floor of the Administration Building)
Southfield, MI 48037-2055
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: (248) 796-4161
Mobile: (248) 250-1898