Well & Septic


There are some properties in Southfield that are not connected to City water or City sewer. These properties have wells and/or septic systems and the following are facts you should know if you have one on your property:

  • All wells and septic systems in Southfield are under the jurisdiction of the Oakland County Health Division
  • Property owners are responsible to maintain their wells and septic systems (information is available through the County)
  • Septic systems must be certified every three years
  • Property owners are responsible for ensuring that all abandoned wells on their property are properly abandoned (permit required by Oakland County) 

Septic Inspection Service / Certification

If you choose to continue to use a septic system now that sanitary sewer is available throughout the City, it is required that your septic system be evaluated every three (3) years and that it receives a valid Passing Certification.

Septic & Sewage System 101 brochure (PDF)