City Council February 24 Regular Meeting Agenda

February 21, 2020

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City of Southfield

Regular Meeting Agenda of the City Council

February 24, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Council Chambers

26000 Evergreen Road

Southfield, Michigan 48076







Special Presentation from the following:

  • Dr. Jennifer Green, Southfield Schools Superintendent
  • Elliott Broom and Teri John, Representatives from the Detroit Institute of Arts
  • Andy Meisner, Oakland County Treasurer



  1. Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2020


  1. Receipt of Bids on Printing the Southfield Living Newsletter
  1. Authorization to Purchase Cold Patch Materials for the Public Works Department
  1. Resolution to Create and Maintain a Cadet/Explorer Program for the Fire Department
  1. Everbridge Emergency Notification System Expansion
  1. Laserfiche Upgrade
  1. Authorization to enter into a Interlocal agreement between Oakland County and City of Southfield regarding the Appointment of Arraignment-Only Attorneys for MIDC Grant contract compliance between Oakland County and the City of Southfield
  1. City Council Retreat


  1. PZR19-0006 is the Rezoning Request of owner Motor City Construction to rezone 0.98 acres of property from B-3 – General Business to I-1 – Industrial, property located at 26650 W. 8 Mile Rd. and 20735 Delaware St., on the south side of W. 8 Mile Rd. between Delaware St. and Van Buren St., and on the west side of Delaware St. between W. 8 Mile Rd. and Emmett St., Sidwell Parcels 2431-377-033 and -037, W 140 ft of N 129 ft of S 198 ft of Lot 30 and N 90 ft of Lot 30 Exc Sly 10ft of Wly 140 ft of Thomas Hitchmans Subdivision, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.

Introduce Ordinance No. 1718


  1. PSP19-0009 is the Site Plan Review Request of GMB Architecture and Engineering, on behalf of the owner, Yeshiva Beth Yehudah School, for the construction of a 23,301gsf third floor addition to the existing school with associated parking and other on-site amenities on property located at 15751 Lincoln Drive, Sidwell Parcel 2424-427-022, N 100 Ft Of Lot 15, Also 1/2 Of Vac Fairfax Ave Adj To Same, Also All Of Lot 16, Also 1/2 Of Vac Fairfax Ave Adj To Same, Also E 1/2 Of Lot 17, Also 1/2 Of Vac Fairfax Ave Adj To Same of Superv Plat Meadow Downs 2, on the south side of the Lincoln Drive between Greenfield Road and the I-696 Freeway, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


The Southfield City Council has established the following Rules of Procedure for all speakers: 

  • No speaker may make personal or impertinent attacks upon any officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, that is unrelated to the manner in which the officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, performs his or her duties. 
  • No person shall use abusive or threatening language toward any individual when addressing the City Council.

Any person who violates this section shall be directed by the presiding officer to be orderly and silent.  If a person addressing the Council refuses to become silent when so directed, such person may be deemed by the presiding officer to have committed a “breach of the peace” by disrupting and impeding the orderly conduct of the public meeting of the City Council and may be ordered by the presiding officer to leave the meeting.  If the person refuses to leave as directed, the presiding officer may direct any law enforcement officer who is present to escort the violator from the meeting.








Individuals with special needs who plan to attend this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248-796-5150 (voice) or 711 (TDD). If auxiliary aids or services are needed, reasonable advance notice is required.