City Council May 6 Regular Meeting Agenda

May 3, 2024

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City of Southfield 
Regular (Hybrid) Meeting Agenda of the City Council 
May 6, 2024 
5:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room (Study Session)
6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers 
Donald F. Fracassi Municipal Campus
26000 Evergreen Road
Southfield, Michigan 48076
Telephone: 248-796-5150


STUDY SESSION (Council Conference Room)

  1. Resolution of Support for Implementation of the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) Program in Michigan
  2. Receipt of Proposals for Fire Station 4 & 5 Pavement Replacement
  3. Identity and Access Management
  4. Replacement of Cisco Switches
  5. Authorization to Purchase Replacement Bucket Truck for Forestry Division
  6. Authorization to Purchase Bigbelly Recycling Bins
  7. Authorize submission of MDOT Michigan Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program (SSSG) application for funding of bus stop improvements (key walks, concrete pads, benches and trash cans)
  8. Civic Center Drive Streetlight Upgrade – Revised DTE Agreement & Engineering Services
  9. Approval for Reconstruction of Foster Winter Drive




  • Appointment to the Downtown Development Authority – Alvin Zaitouna
  • Appointment to the Southfield Public Arts Commission – Giancarlo Williams
  • Reappointment to the Historic District Commission – Dale Gyure
  • Appointment to the Administrative Civil Service Commission (alternate) – Evan Cunningham
  • Appointment to the Commission on Senior Adults (COSA) – Rita Turner


The Southfield City Council has established the following Rules of Procedure for all speakers:  

  • No speaker may make personal or impertinent attacks upon any officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, that is unrelated to the manner in which the officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, performs his or her duties.  
  • No person shall use abusive or threatening language toward any individual when addressing the City Council. 

Any person who violates this section shall be directed by the presiding officer to be orderly and silent.  If a person addressing the Council refuses to become silent when so directed, such person may be deemed by the presiding officer to have committed a “breach of the peace” by disrupting and impeding the orderly conduct of the public meeting of the City Council and may be ordered by the presiding officer to leave the meeting.  If the person refuses to leave as directed, the presiding officer may direct any law enforcement officer who is present to escort the violator from the meeting. 
The Council may not provide responses to public comments during the meeting.  If you have provided your contact information when you signed up for public communications, the City will provide a more formal response to you in the near future.


  • Presentation of Joint Resolution – Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Presentation of Joint Resolution – National Public Works Week


CONSENT AGENDA (these items are considered routine / non-controversial or have previously been discussed)

A.    Authorization to Sign 4-Year Lease with Lawrence Technological University for Oakland County Michigan Works Southfield! Office

B.    Authorization to Renew Five (5) Year Oakway Mutual Aid Association Interlocal Agreement

C.    Interlocal Agreement between Oakland County Tactical Training Consortium and the City of Southfield

D.    Purchase of Portable Radio Shoulder Mics for new County Motorola Radio System

E.    Purchase of Point Blank Ballistic Vests for the Police Department

F.    Receipt of Proposals for Data Center Uninterruptible Power Supply

G.    Resolution of Support for Southfield Downtown Development Authority’s application to become a Main Street Allied Community

H.    Resolution of Support for Implementation of the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) Program in Michigan

I.    Receipt of Proposals for Fire Station 4 & 5 Pavement Replacement

J.    Identity and Access Management

K.    Replacement of Cisco Switches

L.    Authorization to Purchase Replacement Bucket Truck for Forestry Division

M.    Authorization to Purchase Bigbelly Recycling Bins

N.    Authorize submission of MDOT Michigan Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program (SSSG) application for funding of bus stop improvements (key walks, concrete pads, benches and trash cans)

O.    Civic Center Drive Streetlight Upgrade – Revised DTE Agreement & Engineering Services

P.    Approval for Reconstruction of Foster Winter Drive


A.    Single Lot Special Assessment Roll Hearing and Confirmation



A.    Receipt of Bids for North Park Drive Reconstruction and Water Main Improvements (Job No. 2492SFLD)

B.    Receipt of Bids for Sherwood Village West Water Main and Road Improvements (Job No. 2489SFLD)

C.    Presentation and discussion regarding the proposal to operate a fence contractor’s office with ancillary showroom and storage at 26650 W 8 Mile Road, between Inkster and Beech Roads (PSLU24-0007)

D.    Presentation and discussion regarding a proposal to reconstruct/expand and existing gas station/conveniences store including the addition of beer/wine/liquor sales and a carry-out restaurant at 30835 Greenfield (Parcel 24-12-230-027), southwest corner of Greenfield & W 13 Mile Road (PSLU24-0008/PSP24-0004)


E.    Presentation and discussion regarding the proposal to create and develop two commercial out lots in the parking lots in front of the existing office building and other site improvements at 29777 Telegraph Road (Parcel 24-08-402-009 (PZRODD24-0001)

F.    Presentation and discussion regarding the proposal to construct a multiple family residential development with supportive services on the south side of Hooper Blvd, west of Berg Road (PZRRUDD24-0001)



A.    Recommended Budget for 2024-25 Fiscal Year



A.    Deandre Keith Williams v. Officer Matthew Fair & Officer Hussein Abdallah (United States District Court Case No. 2:24-cv-10495-GAD-EAS)



Individuals with special need for this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248-796-5150 (voice) or 711 (TDD). If auxiliary aids or services are needed, reasonable advance notice is required.