City of Southfield encourages community to take Safe Sidewalks Pledge
February 19, 2025
Pledge aims to remind residents and businesses to shovel their sidewalks after every snowfall
The City of Southfield recognizes that dealing with snow and ice covered roads are inconveniences we all must face. We make every effort to maintain and repair all roads within the City's jurisdiction in a timely manner. Southfield crews do their best to clear the streets as quickly and safely as possible; however, we rely on every resident and business to do their part to keep sidewalks clear and safe.
Walking on snow and ice covered sidewalks can not only be a major inconvenience, it can be dangerous – especially for seniors or children as they travel to school. The City of Southfield launched the Southfield Safe Sidewalks Pledge to remind and encourage every resident and business to do their part to keep pedestrians safe this winter. Homeowners and renters working together can help to ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely.
By City Code, homeowners, renters and businesses are responsible for clearing snow and ice from sidewalks and curb cuts in front of their homes and businesses within a twenty-four (24) consecutive hour time period. Clearing sidewalks is very important to maintain safety for pedestrians, and it is the legal responsibility of homeowners, renters and businesses to keep their premises safe and hazard-free. This includes keeping walkways, driveways, parking lots and other common areas free of ice and snow to prevent accidents and injuries.
This winter, the City of Southfield requests that all residents and businesses make a special effort to clear their sidewalks and apply salt in front of their homes or businesses to ensure a safe route for pedestrians. If your neighbor is elderly or physically incapable of removing the snow from their sidewalks, please consider offering to help. Residents and businesses are encouraged to take the Southfield Safe Sidewalks Pledge and commit to do their part to keep our walkways safe and snow free! Good neighbors make great communities!
For more information, or to report a violation, call the Southfield Code Enforcement Department at (248) 796-4140.
Southfield, Michigan - Code of Ordinances | ARTICLE II. - CLEARING SIDEWALKS
Sec. 4.75. - Sidewalks to be cleared.
The occupant of every lot or premises adjoining any street, or the owner of such lot or premises if same are not occupied, shall clear and keep cleared all sidewalks adjoining such lot or premises from snow, ice, filth and other obstructions. (Cross reference— Depositing ice or snow in sidewalks, § 2.11.)
Sec. 4.76. - Failure to clear.
If any occupant or owner shall neglect or fail to clear ice, snow, filth or other obstructions from the sidewalk adjoining his premises, for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours or more, he shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter, and in addition the director may cause such sidewalk to be cleared and the expense of clearing shall become a debt to the city from the occupant or owner of such premises and shall be collected as a single lot assessment in accordance with section 1.13 of this Code.