City of Southfield to sponsor Arbor Day tree planting April 28 at McIntyre Elementary School

April 28, 2017

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The city of Southfield will sponsor a tree planting event at McIntyre Elementary School (19600 Saratoga Boulevard) on April 28 at 1 p.m. as part of an Arbor Day observance. A 2 ½ inch ball and burlap Sweet Gum tree will be planted in the island at the front of the school near the east end.

The City will plant the trees, rain or shine, at the school following a brief ceremony with Mayor Ken Siver, Principal Kimberly Beckwith, teachers and students. The city of Southfield has a long history of preserving green spaces and enacting ordinances that protect the environment. As a proud Tree City USA Award recipient for the past 30 consecutive years, Southfield has long been committed to protecting green spaces with nearly 800 acres of park land including 400 acres of woodlands and wetlands set aside for preservation. The City of Southfield has also won several awards for its green, environmentally-friendly policies, programs and projects.

Healthy trees in our communities improve our environment. In addition to the visual impact of trees, tree canopies and root systems provide a natural filter to our water supply and reduce storm water runoff, flooding and erosion. Trees are also good for business. Research shows that consumers respond positively to shopping environments with healthy urban forests. Tree lawns contribute to perceptions of more walkable streets, which can promote more physical activity in children and youth. These are just some of the many benefits trees provide for our community.

Michigan is home to a wealth of natural resources. Trees are one such resource that can act as a symbol for stewardship. The simple act of tree planting exposes youth and adults to a hands-on sustainable development practice. Individuals witness a change being made environmentally and for the communities they live in.

Recognizing the importance and value of connecting to our natural resources, the Michigan Arbor Day Alliance (MADA) is a coalition of organizations and agencies dedicated to the promotion and celebration of Arbor Day throughout Michigan. Since 1993, MADA has provided educational programs and services to Michigan communities that focus on the importance of trees and their role in community health and well-being.

For more information, call Southfield City Forester Leo Clower at (248) 796-4634.