Mark Pilot appointed as new Southfield Building Official

May 30, 2017  | Posted In:  Southfield News

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The Southfield City Council unanimously approved the appointment of Acting Southfield Building Official Mark Pilot as the new Building Official at the May 22 City Council meeting. 


“Mr. Pilot has a proven track record and a great deal of experience in protecting and serving the public in the city of Southfield,” commented Administrator Fred Zorn. “He has implemented several new policies and procedures to help streamline the building code and permit process by utilizing technology in the field such as laptops and smart phones. Mr. Pilot has also authored several revisions to city ordinances from fee schedules to building, rental and vacant property registrations. He has an extensive building and code background and will carry on the high standards of the city of Southfield and the Southfield Building Department.”


Building Official Pilot has been employed with the city of Southfield since 1987 beginning as a sign inspector. He has continued to be promoted with increasing levels of responsibility culminating in being selected as the Acting Building Official in February of 2016. Mr. Pilot has been a licensed builder with the State of Michigan since 1980, registered as a Building Inspector/Plan Examiner since 1986, and he became registered as a Building Official with the State in 2000. He has attended Macomb Community 


College, Lawrence Technological University and Wayne State University with a associate degree’s in construction technology and HVAC. Mr. Pilot served as the past vice president and president of Michigan Association of Code Enforcement Officers (MACEO) and is a current member of the Huron Valley Code Officials (HUVACO). 


The Southfield Building Department serves residents and businesses by supporting new construction projects, renovation of existing properties, and building expansion within the city of Southfield. Building staff work to provide user-friendly, professional customer service in order to make it easier for individuals and companies to achieve their building objectives and to comply with building codes, zoning requirements, and City ordinances. The Building Department, in cooperation with other City divisions such as the Planning Department and the Business Development Team, actively encourages investment and reinvestment so that the City remains an attractive and vibrant community in which to live and work. The Building Department’s goal is to provide comprehensive, consistent, and clear information on the codes and ordinances that need to be followed to protect the health, safety and quality of life of Southfield residents.