Planning Commission February 22 Regular Meeting Agenda

February 21, 2017

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 FEBRUARY 22, 2017  -  6:30 P.M.


A. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call 

B. Approval of the Agenda 

C. Announcements and Communications 

D. Public Hearings

  1. PSLU16-0008 is a Special Use request of Sam Dorchen, Dorchen Martin Associates, on behalf of the owner, ENL Building LLC, for on-site production, manufacture and storage of landscape mulch, and storage of road salt, on Sidwell Parcels 2435-351-022 thru -025 and 2435-352-010 & -011, Lots 19-25 of Supervisors Plat of Home Gardens at the northern portion of Mapleridge north of W Eight Mile Road, Section 35, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.
  2. PSLU16-0009 is a Special Use Request of Jessica Mehalick, Organic Roots Daycare, on behalf of the owner, Benjamin Epstein, to use the existing single family house for a Group Child Care Home, property located at 28031 Everett, Sidwell Parcel #2413-276-016, Lot 59, also ½ of vacated alley adj to same, of F B Grays Southfield Woods Sub, on the west side of Everett between Catalpa and Wiltshire Boulevard, Section 13, City of Southfield, County of Oakland, State of Michigan. 
  3. Parks & Recreation Master Plan and Grant Application to solicit additional public comments on the Draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan dated January 23, 2017 and potential grant applications. The Plan reflects a vision for the future of the parks, recreational facilities, historic structures, and natural areas. Public comments will give the City a better understanding of the needs and wants for parks, recreation, historic and cultural facilities, and programming going forward.

E. Site Plans

PSP16-0006 is the Site Plan Review Request of Brad Klintworth, DA Contracting LLC, on behalf of the owner, Southfield Sleep Lab LLC, to construct a 11,550 gross square foot medical office building on property located at Sidwell Parcel #2412-451-018, Lot 17 of Bedford Villas Sub, on the north side of W Twelve Mile Road between Pierce Street and Everett Street, Section 12, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.

F. Approval of Minutes:  January 4, 2017 Study Meeting, January 11, 2017 Study Meeting, January 25, 2017 Regular Meeting

G. Miscellaneous