Planning Commission May 22 Regular Meeting Agenda
May 13, 2024
MAY 22, 2024
A. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
B. Approval of the Agenda
C. Announcements and Communications
D. MDOT Michigan Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program (SSSG). Public involvement (input/engagement) session for grant application for $200,000 to improve up to an additional 35 bus stops in the city with benches, trash cans, concrete pads and key walks based on the transit stop prioritization study the City prepared in 2019. Public input is requested to refine which of the higher priority transit stops should be considered for improvement with these potential funds.
E. 18330 George Washington Drive (McKinley School Residential Unit Development District – Phase 2 Site Plan)
1. PSP24-0003 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of Contour Companies, to construct phase 2 of the McKinley School Residential Unit Development District at 18330 George Washington Dr, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-26-226-004).
F. 19991 W 12 Mile Road (Demolition of vacant branch bank and construction of new Kroger Fuel station)
1. PCZR24-0002 (PUBLIC HEARING-CONDITIONAL REZONING) is a request of The Kroger CO of Michigan to conditionally rezone the parcel at 19991 W 12 Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-14-101-227) from B-2 Planned Business to B-3 General Business.
2. PSLU24-0009 (PUBLIC HEARING-SPECIAL USE) is a Special Use request of The Kroger CO of Michigan to construct and operate a gas station at 19991 W 12 Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-14-101-227).
3. PSP24-0005 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of The Kroger CO of Michigan, to construct and operate a gas station at 19991 W 12 Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-14-101-227).
G. 28745 Northwestern Highway (Reconstruction and reconfiguration of existing gas station)
1. PSLU24-0010 (PUBLIC HEARING-SPECIAL USE) is a Special Use request of Farrah Properties, L.L.C. to reconstruct and reconfigure an existing gas station at 28745 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-18-276-007). The enlarged gas station building is proposed to include beer/wine/liquor sales and a carry-out restaurant.
2. PSP24-0006 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of Farrah Properties, L.L.C. to reconstruct and reconfigure an existing gas station at 28745 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-18-276-007). The enlarged gas station building is proposed to include beer/wine/liquor sales and a carry-out restaurant.
H. 28600 Lahser (Rezoning of northern portion of existing religious institution/parochial school site)
1. PZR24-0003 (PUBLICHEARING- REZONING) is a request of Southfield Christian School & Highland Park Baptist Church to rezone the majority of the northern part of the parcel at 28600 Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-15-101-007) from RM Multiple Family (Low Rise) to R-2 Single Family. The southern portion of the site is currently zoned R-2 Single Family.
I. 27200 W 8 Mile Rd (Add drive-thru restaurant to existing multi-tenant shopping center)
3. PSLU24-0011 (PUBLIC HEARING-SPECIAL USE) is a Special Use request of Grand 8 LLC to reconfigure an existing multi-tenant shopping center to add a Biggby Coffee with a drive-thru at 27200 W 8 Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-31-356-025).
4. PSP24-0007 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of Grand 8 LLC to reconfigure an existing multi-tenant shopping center to add a Biggby Coffee with a drive-thru at 27200 W 8 Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan (Parcel 24-31-356-025).
J. Minutes: April 10, 2024 Study Meeting
April 24, 2024 Regular Meeting
K. Public Comment – A person addressing the Commission shall be limited to a period of three (3) minutes unless such period of time is extended by the presiding officer or by majority vote of the Commission.
The following Rules of Procedure have been established for all speakers:
- No speaker may make personal or impertinent attacks upon any officer, employee, or Planning Commission member, that is unrelated to the manner in which the officer, employee, or Planning Commission member, performs his or her duties.
- No person shall use abusive or threatening language toward any individual when addressing the Planning Commission.
Any person who violates this section shall be directed by the presiding officer to be orderly and silent. If a person addressing the Planning Commission refuses to become silent when so directed, such person may be deemed by the presiding officer to have committed a “breach of the peace” by disrupting and impeding the orderly conduct of the public meeting of the Planning Commission and may be ordered by the presiding officer to leave the meeting. If the person refuses to leave as directed, the presiding officer may take whatever actions are necessary to remove the person from the meeting. Call in number for Communication will be provided the night of the meeting.
L. Council Items Update
M. Miscellaneous:
• Planning Commission Study Meeting – June 5, 2024
• Planning Commission Long Range Study Meeting – June 12, 2024
• Planning Commission Regular Meeting – June 26, 2024