Online Property Inquiry System
The City of Southfield provides up-to-date assessment and tax data information to City taxpayers as a free service. This service is also available by visiting the Assessment Department's office and requesting the use of the public terminals.
Disclaimer from the Assessor
The City of Southfield makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data. The City of Southfield does not assume any liability associated with the use or misuse of this data. Every attempt is made daily to ensure that the data provided accurately reflects the property’s characteristics.
Unauthorized attempts to upload information to, or change this website, are strictly prohibited and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Disclaimer from the Treasurer
To attain any special assessments, such as alarm billing or lawn mowing charges which may not be reflected in the taxpayer's most recent statements, please contact the Treasurer's Department. at (248) 796-5200.
When searching for a street name, do not use a suffix such as Rd for Road, Dr for Drive, etc. The system will not return the proper results if you do.
EXAMPLE: Instead of 12345 Evergreen Road or 12345 Evergreen Rd, please use Evergreen or only the numeric portion of address 12345.
By proceeding to the BSA Portal, you agree to the above disclaimers and policies: