City of Southfield seeking qualified developers for “EverCentre” property redevelopment

October 3, 2018  | Posted In:  Southfield News

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Map of Southfield City Center

The city of Southfield has reissued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for qualified developers for the vacant 8.15-acre “EverCentre” property located at the corner of Evergreen Road and Civic Center Drive. The city of Southfield is seeking to develop a centrally located pedestrian-friendly mixed-use development in the heart of the Southfield City Centre district to help attract and retain professionals, to create and maintain a “sense of place” and to spur economic development. All qualifications are due by 11:30 a.m. on Friday, October 26, 2018. 


The City is seeking qualified developers to 1) help facilitate the disposition of the property; 2) create a development that compliments the city of Southfield’s vision; and, 3) arrive at a jointly approved plan. City leadership and elected officials are committed to working with the developers in the marketing and sale of the property and to expedite review and permitting processes and pursue available incentives.


The city of Southfield has worked with consultants Hamilton Anderson to evaluate a range of development uses consistent with Southfield’s Sustainable Southfield Master Plan, City Centre District vision, local zoning, long range plans and key stakeholder input. The city of Southfield is uniquely situated to support new development in this area due to several distinctive characteristics and market demand. However, the City is also open to developer’s proposals that may not directly align with the original vision for the property. 


“The ‘EverCentre’ project represents an ideal opportunity for the right developer to create a world-class mixed-use development right in the heart of Southfield,” commented Mayor Kenson Siver. “This redevelopment project has the potential to be a dynamic draw that balances urban walkability with true functionality, in addition to serving as a model for other communities throughout the region.”


The vision for Southfield City Centre is to build on Southfield’s high-profile business climate by adding a walkable, mixed-use destination for shopping, dining, entertainment and new residents. The Southfield City Centre is at a crucial turning point in suburban redevelopment. Still a district largely dominated by auto-oriented development populated by office parks and strip commercial plazas, the City now seeks to redefine its economic growth strategy in keeping with current market trends and demands. With the proper redevelopment of this 8.15-acre site, Southfield City Centre will become a catalytic district representing the future for metro Detroit — a walkable urban place within a suburban community that combines the aspirations of this high-profile business climate with a commitment to walkability, community and sense of place.


Qualifications shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “Request for Qualifications – EverCentre Developer.” One printed packet and a PDF version (on USB flash drive) shall be submitted no later than Friday, October 26, 2018 at 11:30 a.m., to: City of Southfield, Attn: Nikki Lumpkin, Purchasing Agent, c/o City Clerk’s Office, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, MI 48076. For more information on the bid process, contact Southfield Purchasing Agent, Nikki Lumpkin at 1-248-796-5250or e-mail


For more overall information about how your business can grow in Southfield, call Southfield Business & Economic Development Director Rochelle Freeman at 1-248-796-4160or e-mail