Planning Commission February 1 Study Meeting Agenda

January 27, 2017

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FEBRUARY 1, 2017




  1. PSLU16-0008 is a Special Use request of Sam Dorchen, Dorchen Martin Associates, on behalf of the owner, ENL Building LLC, for on-site production, manufacture and storage of landscape mulch, and storage of road salt, on Sidwell Parcels 2435-351-022 thru -025, 2435-352-010 & -011, and 2435-352-030, Lots 19-25 of Supervisors Plat of Home Gardens, and Lot 7 Exc Sly 30 ft of Ely 105 ft taken for Rd of Assessors Plat #2, at the northern portion of Mapleridge north of W Eight Mile Road, Section 35, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan. 
  2. PSLU16-0009 is a Special Use Request of Jessica Mehalick, Organic Roots Daycare, on behalf of the owner, Benjamin Epstein, to use the existing single family house for a Group Child Care Home, property located at 28031 Everett, Sidwell Parcel #2413-276-016, Lot 59, also ½ of vacated alley adj to same, of F B Grays Southfield Woods Sub, on the west side of Everett between Catalpa and Wiltshire Boulevard, Section 13, City of Southfield, County of Oakland, State of Michigan. 
  3. PSP16-0006 is the Site Plan Review Request of Brad Klintworth, DA Contracting LLC, on behalf of the owner, Southfield Sleep Lab LLC, to construct a 11,550 gross square foot medical office building on property located at Sidwell Parcel #2412-451-018, Lot 17 of Bedford Villas Sub, on the north side of W Twelve Mile Road between Pierce Street and Everett Street, Section 12, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.
  4. PZR16-0005 is the Rezoning request of MAP Real Estate, LLC, on behalf of the owner, 30 West Pershing, LLC, to rezone 20.948 acres of land from RC, Regional Center to B-3, General Business, on property located at 25333 W Twelve Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2417-126-050, Part of Lots 20 to 25 of Supervisor’s Plat No 5 Incl, also Part of Lots 31-34, on the south side of W Twelve Mile Road between Case Avenue and Lockdale Street, Section 17, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan. 
  5. PSLU16-0010 is a Special Use request of MAP Real Estate, LLC, on behalf of the owner, 30 West Pershing, LLC, for redevelopment of the Star Theater complex to establish an automobile and truck agency sales and showroom, and reduce the size of the existing theater, on property located at 25333 W Twelve Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2417-126-050, Part of Lots 20 to 25 of Supervisor’s Plat No 5 Incl, also Part of Lots 31-34, on the south side of W Twelve Mile Road between Case Avenue and Lockdale Street, Section 17, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.
  6. PSP16-0009 is a Site Plan Review Request of MAP Real Estate, LLC, on behalf of the owner, 30 West Pershing, LLC, for redevelopment of the Star Theater complex and parking lot for vehicle display and storage associated with the establishment of an automobile and truck agency sales and showroom, and reduce the size of the existing theater on property located at 25333 W Twelve Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2417-126-050, Part of Lots 20 to 25 of Supervisor’s Plat No 5 Incl, also Part of Lots 31-34, on the south side of W Twelve Mile Road between Case Avenue and Lockdale Street, Section 17, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.
  7. Minutes: January 4, 2017 Study Meeting, January 11, 2017 Study Meeting
  8. Miscellaneous: L:\Planning\PL COMMISSION\AGENDAS\2017\2-1-17 Study Meeting