City of Southfield adopts green infrastructure ordinances and pledges ongoing support for Paris Climate Agreement

June 20, 2017  | Posted In:  Southfield News

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The city of Southfield approved a zoning ordinance supporting green infrastructure as well as a joint resolution in support of the Paris Climate Agreement during the City Council meeting on Monday, June 12.


PSLU-0003 is a text amendment to the Code of the City of Southfield amending the Zoning Ordinance to include green infrastructure. The text amendments address regulations for green infrastructure and low impact development methods as well as revise storm water management, landscape and parking standards, conditions and general requirements. The amendments will promote the enforcement of green infrastructure and ensure the health, safety and welfare of the community. The amendments were strongly promoted as part of the city of Southfield’s Sustainable Southfield comprehensive Master Plan adopted in June 2016.


The joint resolution shows the commitment of the Mayor of Southfield and Southfield City Council to support the principles represented in the Paris Climate Agreement of 2016. There has been an increase in extreme weather events across the United States which have adversely affected supply chains, consumer behaviors and local economies. The Paris Agreement provides a pathway forward to limit temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius and sends a powerful signal to the world that climate change is an immediate problem facing the planet in the 21st century. By signing a joint resolution, the Mayor of Southfield and the Southfield City Council commit to continue to support the principles represented in the Paris Climate Agreement of 2016 and will take meaningful action to demonstrate that the city of Southfield is committed to upholding the historic principles represented in the Paris Climate Accord that can be enacted to fight the climate crisis.


For more information, call the Mayor’s Office at 1-248-796-5100.