Planning Commission March 4 Study Meeting Agenda

February 28, 2020

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MARCH 4, 2020






  1. PZRODD19-0005 is the Rezoning Request of City Centre Real Estate Group to amend the existing City Centre II Overlay Development District Development Agreement to expand hours of operation, property located at 25110 Evergreen Road and 25200 Evergreen Road, and including the following addresses within the parent properties; 25148 Evergreen, 25150 Evergreen, 25170 Evergreen, 25198 Evergreen, 25206 Evergreen, 25242 Evergreen, and 25254 Evergreen, on the east side of Evergreen Road between Goldwin and Hilton, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. PZR19-0007 is the Rezoning Request of Mapletree Apartments LLC, on behalf of the owners Mapletree Apartments LLC, Mark Becker, and Andy Attisha, to rezone 4.09 acres of property from R-1 Single Family Residential and RMM Multiple Family (Medium Rise) to RT Attached Single Family, property located at 28507 Franklin Road (2418-277-042) and 28545 Franklin Road (2418-277-044) on the west side of Franklin Road between I-696 and Maitrott, and 28470 Maitrott (2418-277-004) and vacant Parcel 2418-277-005 located on the south side of Maitrott between Franklin Road and Primary Drive, Easterly 250 ft of Lot 11, and part of Lots 12 through 14, inclusive, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 4, and part of Lot 13, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 14, and part of Lot 37, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 2, more particularly described as, commencing at the North ¼ Corner of said section 18; thence along the North line of Section 18, N89º56’00”E , 327.05 ft (recorded as 3234.90 ft) to the centerline of Franklin Road (variable width); thence along said centerline S40°56’10”E, 1300.61 ft; thence S49º03’50”W, 60.00 ft to the Westerly line of said Franklin Road and the Point of Beginning; thence along said Westerly line, S40°56’10”E, 600.93 ft; thence S48º45’06”W, 280.44 ft; thence S00°09’00”E, 25.76 ft; thence N89º53’38”W, 82.02 ft; thence N41°59’07”W, 161.75 ft; thence N48º50’10”E, 86.67 ft; thence N41°03’41”W, 186.67 ft; thence S48º56’19”W, 72.10 ft; thence N41°04’41”W, 54.00 ft; thence N48º22’11”E, 92.56 ft; thence N40°57’51”W, 19.14 ft; thence N49º03’59”E, 32.50 ft; thence N40°56’10”W, 145.00 ft to the Southeastern line of Maitrott Avenue (50 ft wide); thence along said Southeasterly line, N49º03’50”E, 223.00 ft to the aforementioned Westerly line of Franklin Road and the Point of Beginning, containing +/- 4.09 acres of land,  City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. PSP19-0012 is the Site Plan Review Request of Mapletree Apartments LLC, on behalf of the owners Mapletree Apartments LLC, Mark Becker, and Andy Attisha, for the construction of 26 townhome units, property located at 28507 Franklin Road (2418-277-042) and 28545 Franklin Road (2418-277-044) on the west side of Franklin Road between I-696 and Maitrott, and 28470 Maitrott (2418-277-004) and vacant Parcel 2418-277-005 located on the south side of Maitrott between Franklin Road and Primary Drive, Easterly 250 ft of Lot 11, and part of Lots 12 through 14, inclusive, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 4, and part of Lot 13, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 14, and part of Lot 37, of Supervisor’s Plat No. 2, more particularly described as, commencing at the North ¼ Corner of said section 18; thence along the North line of Section 18, N89º56’00”E , 327.05 ft (recorded as 3234.90 ft) to the centerline of Franklin Road (variable width); thence along said centerline S40°56’10”E, 1300.61 ft; thence S49º03’50”W, 60.00 ft to the Westerly line of said Franklin Road and the Point of Beginning; thence along said Westerly line, S40°56’10”E, 600.93 ft; thence S48º45’06”W, 280.44 ft; thence S00°09’00”E, 25.76 ft; thence N89º53’38”W, 82.02 ft; thence N41°59’07”W, 161.75 ft; thence N48º50’10”E, 86.67 ft; thence N41°03’41”W, 186.67 ft; thence S48º56’19”W, 72.10 ft; thence N41°04’41”W, 54.00 ft; thence N48º22’11”E, 92.56 ft; thence N40°57’51”W, 19.14 ft; thence N49º03’59”E, 32.50 ft; thence N40°56’10”W, 145.00 ft to the Southeastern line of Maitrott Avenue (50 ft wide); thence along said Southeasterly line, N49º03’50”E, 223.00 ft to the aforementioned Westerly line of Franklin Road and the Point of Beginning, containing +/- 4.09 acres of land,  City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.
  1. PSLU20-0002 is a Special Use Request of Salt Warehouse, LLC, to establish a warehouse and office for salt storage, along with a separate self-storage facility on property located at 21170 W Eight Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2434-376-020 and 2434-376-021, on the north side of W Eight Mile Road between Evergreen and Lahser Roads, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. PSP20-0002 is a Site Plan Review Request of New Central Carpet Supply, to demolish existing structures on the site and construct a new 3,600gsf pre-engineered building for carpet storage, property located at 20810 & 20854 W Eight Mile Road, Sidwell Parcels 2434-456-014 & -015, on the north side of W Eight Mile Road between Evergreen and Lahser Roads, Section 34, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. PSLU20-0004 is a Special Use Request of Refresh & Go, LLC, to convert existing gas station vehicle service bays to a convenience store with carry out restaurant, property located at 20050 W Twelve Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2410-479-027, on the northwest corner of W Twelve Mile Road and Evergreen, Section 10, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. PSP20-0003 is a Site Plan Review Request of Refresh & Go, LLC, to convert existing gas station vehicle service bays to a convenience store with carry out restaurant, property located at 20050 W Twelve Mile Road, Sidwell Parcel 2410-479-027, on the northwest corner of W Twelve Mile Road and Evergreen, Section 10, City of Southfield, Oakland County, State of Michigan.


  1. Public Comment – A person addressing the Commission shall be limited to a period of three (3) minutes unless such period of time is extended by the presiding officer or by majority vote of the Commission.      


  1. Minutes:         


  1. Miscellaneous: 

