Southfield City Council approves Parks & Recreation’s new Master Plan

February 7, 2022

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City of Southfield now eligible to qualify for state and federal grant dollars

The Southfield City Council unanimously approved Parks & Recreation’s new 5-Year Master Plan at the January 24 City Council Meeting following a formal public hearing and 30 day public review and comment period.

The City of Southfield contracted with OHM Advisors to prepare a new five-year comprehensive master plan for the Parks & Recreation Department. The City of Southfield’s Five-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan will be used as a guide for Southfield officials on all future recreational and parks projects within the City as an advisory document. Moreover, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) requires communities to prepare and adopt a five-year master plan for capital improvement projects and park land acquisitions in order to qualify for any grant funding for parks and recreation improvements or acquisition of park land.  The City of Southfield sought residents’ input on the draft of the Five-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan through Community Open Houses October 27 & October 28, 2021 as well as an online community survey at that was also available in print.

The P&R master plan is a starting point for engineering studies, cost analysis, and to help engage public involvement to determine financial feasibility (tax payer capacity) of projects. Specifically, this plan is developed in accordance with the guidelines for Community Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Greenway Plans published by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). A five-year, MDNR-approved recreation plan is necessary for government entities to pursue MDNR-administered grants. This plan is comprehensive in scope to cover all aspects of park facilities and recreation within the community. It will guide short-term investment into long-term park and facility improvements for the next five-year period, 2022 through 2026.

The newly approved Five-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan highlights and areas for future consideration and funding include:

  • Focus investment throughout the City’s park system, rather than concentrating in just one area;
  • Continue to restore parks to a consistent standard of quality;
  • Signage and beautification;
  • Consistent benches, litter receptacles and bike racks;
  • New playgrounds, basketball courts, indoor pool / recreation center and dog park;
  • Park accessibility and activation of underutilized parks;
  • Development of Valley Woods Nature Preserve;
  • Invest in major capital projects to continue offering high-quality and unique experiences within Southfield;
  • Trails network, Civic Center Lawn and Beech Woods Park;
  • Preserve and Protect the Environment;
  • Continue to generate partnerships with organizations and neighboring communities; and
  • Continue to bring Parks to the People through good management, wellness education / opportunities and economic development.

For more information, contact Southfield Parks & Recreation at (248) 796-4620.