City Council November 27 Regular (Hybrid) Meeting Agenda

November 22, 2023

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City of Southfield 
Regular (Hybrid) Meeting Agenda of the City Council 
November 27, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. 
Council Chambers
Donald F. Fracassi Municipal Campus
26000 Evergreen Road
Southfield, Michigan 48076
Telephone: 248-796-5150




Appointment of Purchasing Agent
Appointment to the Southfield Library Board – Madeline Walters
Appointment to the Southfield Employee Retirement Board – Willie Martin
Appointment to the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority – Moshe Sherizen


The Southfield City Council has established the following Rules of Procedure for all speakers:  

  • No speaker may make personal or impertinent attacks upon any officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, that is unrelated to the manner in which the officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, performs his or her duties.  
  • No person shall use abusive or threatening language toward any individual when addressing the City Council. 

Any person who violates this section shall be directed by the presiding officer to be orderly and silent.  If a person addressing the Council refuses to become silent when so directed, such person may be deemed by the presiding officer to have committed a “breach of the peace” by disrupting and impeding the orderly conduct of the public meeting of the City Council and may be ordered by the presiding officer to leave the meeting.  If the person refuses to leave as directed, the presiding officer may direct any law enforcement officer who is present to escort the violator from the meeting. 




A.    Oakland County Interlocal Agreement to Amend Gun Buyback Pilot Grant Program

B.    Amend Resolution No. 2022.342 - Price Increase of Electric Vehicles for Parking Enforcement

C.    Resolution for Governmental Bodies – Performance and Indemnification for the Michigan Department of Transportation

D.    Receipt of Bids on Water Main Installation and Repair Parts

E.    Receipt of Bids for Standby Emergency Snow Removal Services for Public Works

F.    Authorization to Purchase Accessories for TORO Mower for Park Services (Golf Maintenance)

G.    Authorization to Purchase TerrainCut Mower 1585 with Commercial Side Discharge Mower Deck and Heavy-Duty Rotary Broom for P&R / Park Services    

H.    Authorization to Purchase Gas Ranger Picker with Cab

I.    Approve Travel Reimbursement Form for Mayor Siver for the MML Fall Conference, Traverse City, MI    


A.    PCZR23-0003 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a request of Matick Southfield Properties, LLC, to conditionally rezone the northern portion (0.9 acres) of the property located at 29300 Telegraph Road, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcel 24-08-476-007) from P Vehicular Parking to B-3 General Business.

Introduce Ordinance No. 1780

B.    PSLU23-0011 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a Special Use request of Matick Southfield Properties, LLC, to permit a conveyor type motor vehicle washing facility at 29300 Telegraph Road, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcel 24-08-476-007).

C.    PSP23-0013 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of Matick Southfield Properties, LLC, for construction of a conveyor type motor vehicle washing facility at 29300 Telegraph Road, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcel 24-08-476-007).

D.    PSLU23-0014 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a Special Use request of LAEL INVESTMENTS, to permit a gas station/convenience store with liquor sales and carry-out restaurant uses at 28830-28844 Northwestern Highway, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcels 24-18-226-001, 24-18-226-051 and 24-18-226-036).

E.    PSP23-0014 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of LAEL INVESTMENTS, for construction of a new gas station/convenience store with liquor sales and carry-out restaurant to be constructed at 28830-28844 Northwestern Highway, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcels 24-18-226-001, 24-18-226-051 and 24-18-226-036).

F.    PZTA23-0005 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to amend Title V, Zoning and Planning, Chapter 45, Zoning, of the Code of the City of Southfield by amending Article 14 - Section 5.134, Article 15 - Section 5.140, and Article 18 - Section 5.169; to modify the development standards for smoking lounges in the RS Regional Shopping, RC Regional Center, and B-3 General Business Districts.

Introduce Ordinance No. 1781

G.    PSLU23-0015 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a Special Use request of Saroki Architecture representing Bacco Ristorante, to permit an operation that is a combination of permitted uses (private club & restaurant) and special uses (smoking lounge and bar/lounge) at 29410 Northwestern Highway, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcels 24-07-326-009).

H.    PSP23-0016 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of Saroki Architecture representing Bacco Ristorante, to permit renovation of an existing building for an operation that is a combination of permitted uses (private club & restaurant) and special uses (smoking lounge and bar/lounge) at 29410 Northwestern Highway, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcels 24-07-326-009).

I.    PSLU23-0016 (PUBLIC HEARING) is a Special Use request of Tele-Nine Plaza, LLC, to permit occupation of tenant spaces in an existing 5-unit commercial building for use by executive, administrative and professional offices at 23935-23959 W 9 Mile Road, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcels 24-33-101-002).

J.    PSP23-0015 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) is a Site Plan Review request of the City of Southfield, for construction of a new storage building at the Department of Public Works facility at 25501 Clara Lane, City of Southfield, Michigan (Sidwell Parcel 24-17-326-005).









Individuals with special need for this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248-796-5150 (voice) or 711 (TDD). If auxiliary aids or services are needed, reasonable advance notice is required.