8th Annual Southfield Photo Prize public exhibition and online voting open until August 31

June 28, 2024

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Community encouraged to view exhibition at City Hall and vote for their favorite finalist online

The city of Southfield is sponsoring the 8th annual Southfield Photo Prize competition and outdoor exhibition to showcase the City’s natural and architectural beauty. Over 150 submissions were received and initially reviewed by the Total Living Commission which selected the top 25 finalists that will be on display and eligible for public voting until August 31, 2024.

The community is encouraged to visit the public exhibition to view all of the photos which have been enlarged and placed on display on the parks & recreation building. To vote, simply log on to 
https://www.cityofsouthfield.com/form/southfield-photo-prize, click on your favorite photograph and then hit 'Submit' at the bottom of the page. Please note: you may only vote for one entry per IP address. Additional votes from the same IP address will be ineligible. 

The photograph that receives the most overall votes will be announced at an awards ceremony in September and featured in the City’s 2025 calendar. Other finalists may also be featured in the calendar and other city marketing materials. 

For more information, call Community Relations at (248) 796-5130, visit www.cityofsouthfield.com.