"Helping people to help themselves, each other and the community"
We strive to offer services and opportunities to promote personal growth, independence, dignity and respect for the citizens of Southfield.
Assistance is available to residents of Southfield. Please call for an appointment.
Southfield Human Services provides a number of programs and services all designed to meet the specialized needs of our residents.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
TEFAP will take place at Southfield Human Services, 26000 Evergreen Road. This program is open to residents and allows participants to pick up 1 box of non-perishable food. Call for dates.
Free Legal Aid
Free legal aid is available to low-income and senior Oakland, Macomb or Wayne County residents. An attorney will provide eligible clients advice on civil matters. Call (888) 783-8190 for more information.
State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’
A Social Worker will provide the following services to residents: help apply for food, Medicaid, cash and emergency assistance, answer case questions, and provide referrals to other agencies. Call (248) 262-6400 or visit www.michigan.gov/mibridges for more information.
Senior Organizations
Commission On Senior Adults (COSA)
The Commission on Senior Adults (COSA) was created to present recommendations and information to the Mayor and City Council based upon its investigation and study of the needs, concerns and problems of senior adults living in Southfield. COSA works closely with City departments or local agencies which serve the senior adult community. COSA also monitors state and federal legislation and serves as an educational link to services and resources designed to support our senior community.
COSA Projects and Activities:
- AARP Age Friendly Community
- Advocacy for senior concerns
- Cable 15 senior programming
- Senior issue forums
- Liaison between seniors and City Council
- Senior Appreciation Celebration
- Speakers bureau
- Senior housing and transportation issues
For more information on volunteer opportunities, please call Rhonda Terry at (248) 796-4540.