In February 1996, following a meeting between the Southfield Police Department and the religious leaders of the community, a Southfield Police Chaplain Program was formed. Chaplains from various churches and synagogues volunteer to provide police officers and the community with their expertise and assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, upon request.
The police Chaplains represent the City of Southfield at many ceremonies and help citizens during times of need.
Southfield police Chaplains attend training seminars conducted by the Michigan Association of Police Chaplains and the International Conference of Police Chaplains. This training and the opportunities to share ideas with chaplains from other police departments in the country have proved invaluable.
The Chaplains meet as a unit once a month and "ride-along" with Southfield police officers, also monthly. The concept of Community Policing reaches out into the community, involving the religious sector in daily police operations.
For more information, call (248) 796-5500.