The City Clerk is the Clerk of the Council, and is responsible for all Council agendas and official minutes of the meetings. The Clerk’s Office maintains records of all ordinances, resolutions, files on easements, payback agreements and rights-of-way, special assessment and zoning notices, as well as birth and death records.
The City Clerk serves as the Director of Elections for all elections held in the City of Southfield. The Clerk administers all elections and supervises the registration of voters, division of precincts and training of election inspectors.
Per the direction of City Council, the City Clerk is the Freedom of Information Coordinator (FOIA). All FOIA requests are received and processed by the City Clerk. At Council’s direction, the Clerk receives and distributes legislative information and coordinates the activities of the Council Legislative Committee and Council Boards & Commissions Committee.
The City Clerk is also responsible for issuing business licenses, garage sale permits, liquor licenses and vendor licenses.
Those wishing to contact their local county, state or federal officials may receive assistance from the City Clerk’s Office.
For more information, call (248) 796-5150; or visit the City Clerk’s Office on the main level of City Hall.