The mission of the Office of Management and Budget is twofold: (1) To facilitate and lead in the constant quest for excellence of all divisions comprising the Fiscal Services Group (Accounting, Purchasing and the Office of Management and Budget). To remove obstacles in the pathway toward superior departmental and Group performance; collaboratively set and review standards; and lead, by example, through adherence to Group standards. (2) To provide high quality internal services in two key areas:
The administration of the annual budget preparation process. This involves development of basic parameters and procedures; forecasting of economic trends and revenues; coordination of departmental submissions; organizing of internal budget hearings; formulation of the final proposed budget; presentation before City Council; public hearings; media relations; and publication of the final document.
The provision of research and analytical support. The department performs research in such policy areas as long-range planning, bond financing, tax and revenue studies, insurance and benefit financing, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis and legislative impact and analysis.