Wildlife Advisory Commission


The Southfield City Council unanimously approved the establishment of a Wildlife Advisory Commission at the June 22, 2020 City Council Meeting to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the residents and visitors to the City of Southfield as well as the many wild animals that live within Southfield’s borders.

The Commission’s mission is to develop and propose a wildlife program and other recommendations to City Council as proper wildlife management requires a multidisciplinary and inter-governmental approach involving residents. The commission will consist of seven members who are residents of the City of Southfield appointed by council.  Members will serve without compensation and may be removed for cause by the appointing authority.

The commission will hold meetings as it deems necessary and advisable; however, meetings will generally occur at least monthly. The commission will be responsible for developing and proposing to Council a wildlife program within the city that at minimum shall:

  • Actively seek and receive input from residents and others with concerns regarding wildlife in the City of Southfield;
  • Work collaboratively with individuals of all points of view regarding wildlife in the City of Southfield;
  • Work collaboratively with wildlife commissions or similar organizations in nearby communities regarding wildlife in or near the City of Southfield; and
  • Work collaboratively with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and other county, state and federal entities responsible for wildlife management regarding wildlife in or near the City of Southfield.

The Commission will report its findings and recommendations to City Council in a written report annually in June of each year. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by the city council for the remainder of the unexpired term. Terms of office for commissioners will be three (3) years, except that initial members of the commission shall be appointed for staggered terms with two (2) members appointed for one (1) year terms, two (2) members appointed for two (2) year terms, and three (3) members appointed for three (3) year terms. The Commission will elect a chairperson and secretary at its first meeting annually in January. At least five (5) members of the commission will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The commission may adopt bylaws to outline the proper conduct and order of their meetings and the duties of the officers.

2023 Report on Deer & Wildlife Management

The Southfield Wildlife Advisory Commission prepared the following 2023 Report to City Council on Deer & Wildlife Management Recommendations based on work the commission has completed since January 2021. Click on the link below to view the report in its entirety.

2023 Southfield Wildlife Advisory Commission Report on Deer & Wildlife Management Recommendations

Click on the link below to view all of the Wildlife Advisory Commission meeting agendas & minutes.

Wildlife Advisory Commission Agendas & Minutes

City of Southfield Enacts Ordinance Prohibiting Feeding Deer

The City of Southfield has amended Chapter 113, Animals, of Title IX, Police Regulations, of the Code of the City of Southfield by adding a new section, Sec. 9.90, Feeding Deer Prohibited, Ordinance No. 1748, which was enacted by City Council on March 7. Combined with other wildlife management strategies and recommendations from the City of Southfield’s Wildlife Advisory Commission, the purpose of the feeding ban ordinance is to eliminate deer attraction, aiming to reduce the depredation impacts on residents and to assure the safety of the traveling public on city streets.

Deer Feeding Prohibited -- Read More

Wildlife & Related Habitat Restoration Survey

The Wildlife Advisory Commission developed a Wildlife & Related Habitat Restoration Survey to obtain anonymous information that can be used to statistically analyze responses and results to reach objectively based conclusions. The Commission will also use the survey results as a basis for discussions and for potential recommendations to the Southfield City Council.