Welcome to the Southfield Engineering Department
The Engineering Department is responsible for the planning and oversight of capital improvement projects within Public Works. The department also works to ensure that the City's interests are addressed on projects designed by other agencies and reviews private property site development plans to ensure City standards are met in respect to paving, grading, utilities and soil erosion controls. The department issues permits for, and inspects all work, within public rights-of-way. The Engineering Department also prepares Special Assessment District Projects and other infrastructure improvement plans as assigned by City Council.
The Engineering Department leads the Storm Water Division and Geographic Information System (GIS). Engineering works closely with the Public Works Department to manage our road, water main, sanitary, and storm system assets. The Engineering Department strives to provide the City of Southfield with well-planned infrastructure improvements with the purpose of extending the life of our assets and improving our level of service.
• Construction maps
• Current and future projects
• Major roads project information
• Local streets project information

• 2022 Road Improvement Projects
• Construction Maps
• Other Information from RCOC